Brandon Basconcillo


I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. I also have a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Kinesiology. I utilize a decade of academic knowledge about health and fitness to ensure my clients have the best.


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” More than demonstrating exercises, I inform and teach clients how to be healthy by promoting fitness autonomy.


From real personal experiences to my academic knowledge, I utilize my background to guide clients to success in their health journey.


“During my time in the fitness industry and healthcare system, I found that the best health insurance is living a healthy lifestyle.”

Growing up, it took me a long time to fully understand what the word “healthy” really meant.

I thought being healthy meant being “at a low weight and being ripped.” No matter what it took, I was willing to do everything in the extreme: spend hours working out, avoid small food indulgences, sacrifice time with friends, or disregard any mental or physical breaks. I thought as long as I got the result, it didn’t matter the consequences. I would feel good because I could use the “go hard or go home” attitude that everyone tells us is good.


However, no matter the physical results I achieved, I was never happy and it was at the expense of sacrificing other aspects of myself.

Additionally, I saw all the extreme and unrealistic work required for “healthy results,” which usually resulted in over-indulgence, long-periods of inactivity, and unhappiness. Was this healthy, even if I looked the part but didn’t feel it? It dawned on me that something needed to change so I could be happier and feel healthier.


I finally started to focus on balancing my social, professional, and personal life with my health goals.

I also focused on making small changes with my habits and lifestyle choices instead of extreme ones. And finally, I paid attention to other health measurements like my strength and energy levels. And by doing so, I found that my weight and physique changed without much attention to it. I developed a healthy balance between feeling strong, looking healthy, and having real confidence. I finally understood what “healthy” meant and I was finally living it.


This was the beginning stages of what would become the Synergy Approach.

I have been able to combine the principles I learned through these personal experiences with my academic expertise to help many of my clients achieve the same type of success!


Memorable Experiences —